We know that bees have always been sought after by humans, especially the natural sweet honey they produce. There are many beekeepers in the world who make a living by keeping bees and collecting honey. But bees are also the object of doctors’ attention. Almost all doctors in the world think bees have very important medicinal value.
A recent study found that the venom secreted by bees can actually cure breast cancer!
Many news websites and TV channels have reported that bee venom can kill breast cancer cells. Is it so magical? Does the little bee have such a powerful effect?
The research was conducted by the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research in Australia. The study tested the venom extracted from more than 300 bees and bumblebees.
Honeybees secrete melittin-research has found that the ingredient melittin found in bee venom is actually the cause of effective anti-cancer. Scientific research has found that this venom can act as a toxin for a variety of tumors, including those commonly seen in melanoma, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, and pancreatic cancer. This particular venom compound has proven to be effective against two types of breast cancer that are very difficult to treat-“triple-negative” and “HER2 rich”.
Research conducted also found that if used in small amounts, the venom of bees does not actually affect surrounding cells. Although there is basically no proper treatment for cancer, this discovery can definitely be considered exciting, because cancer kills thousands of people every year.
Dr. Miele has been conducting breast cancer research for decades. He said that in this study, bee venom not only killed breast cancer cells in the laboratory, but even gave them to some mice with breast cancer cells, and proved that it can indeed kill the mice. Breast cancer tumors. This particular substance is not ready for prime time in clinical practice. Scientists will need to conduct a lot of animal research.
Scientists are now working to increase the capacity of the compound and look forward to testing bee venom in human cancers. Scientists hope that this natural compound will be more effective in fighting breast cancer in the human body.
What is your opinion on this exciting discovery?